Not interested. The folks on Blue sky can keep their corporate social media.
Artist, musical performer, and former derby skater from the Midwest.
I’m single, childless, and married to freedom and adventure.
@artbyflashmob on Instagram
ACAB, Anti-War, and I hate both Democrats and Republicans
Not interested. The folks on Blue sky can keep their corporate social media.
Bummer that Ukraine gave up their nukes.
Unless you’re a billionaire or willing to shoot someone vigilante-style, there’s nothing you can do that’s going to impact anyone outside of your own neighborhood.
This meme dumbs things down too much.
What Kamala said or didn’t say didn’t matter so much as the fact that the Biden Administration’s stated position was 100% the opposite of what they actually did, which was handing WMD’s to Israel on demand in the middle of a genocide.
The sooner this war is over and all the fat, American armchair generals find something else to chat about, the better.
I agree that this deal by Trump is exceedingly shitty, but he’s literally just doing what the US always does. The US offers “aid”, but it’s realistically always done so with ulterior motives and side deals in place, just usually more subtle, like requiring a country to put a leader malleable to American corporate interests in place. Crack open an American history book and you’ll see this over and over.
The major criticism here is that a demand this egregious, historically, is almost certainly a precursor to more widespread conflict. Trump’s demands are comparable to those placed on Germany in the wake of WWI, and we all know where that led. Ukraine being the country that was invaded makes this even more vulgar.
The positive thing here is that Europe and others are now taking the threat of Trump and looming fascism a tad more seriously and working to become less dependent on the US, which is objectively a good thing. Also, a shitty end to a war is better than permanent war. I’d rather see this war end in a less-than-ideal way than see another 20 years of dead soldiers, wasted trillions, and THEN a shitty end to the war like what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq.
This is the best thing about a Donald Trump presidency: sometimes good things happen by accident, and it’s definitely a good thing for the EU to be depending less on the US.
this deal is intended to be unpalatable to Ukraine
Oh, I get that. Still pretty stupid.
The Telegraph noted, “Trump’s demands would amount to a higher share of Ukrainian GDP than reparations imposed on Germany at the Versailles Treaty, later whittled down at the London Conference in 1921, and by the Dawes Plan in 1924.”
This is an extraordinarily bad move.
I’m glad to see steps taken toward the war ending, but this is the sort of Big Mac diplomacy that’s just patently moronic. Trump seems to think he can just order up what he wants and it’s going to magically happen without any negative consequences.
Even if you’re a world superpower, there’s only so much you can demand of another country. The Iraq embargo, for instance, gave rise to Al Qaeda and the eventual destruction of the World Trade Towers. (And that was the SECOND attempt, after a group of terrorists tried to bomb them previously in the 90’s.)
Trump is like the dumbass Proud Boys guy who dropped a loaded gun and shot himself in the face.
He’s treating foreign diplomacy like he can order a fucking Big Mac and other world leaders like they’re McDonald’s employees. It’s unrealistic, stupid, and it’s not going to work out the way he thinks it should.
If Trump and Musk had just waited until some of these deals were inked before trying to plunder the US Treasury, they’d be in a much better position. If they’re willing to treat their own people like an ATM, how are any of our allies supposed to take them at their word, or trust that the US is negotiating in good faith? And the notion that foreign aid should be paid for like a utility bill is, I think, a pretty foreign notion to most.
It’s wild to me that the super-wealthy are still so insatiably greedy that they’re tripping over their own feet here.
Is it still the same SJW hellhole it was a decade ago?
Make the bastards scared to leave Israel. They deserve so much worse than being confined to their own country.
I’m so sick of this absolutist free speech bullshit that wants to make room for terrorist ideologies to hide.
It’s nice to see more reasonable people abandoning Twitter.
I quit in October 2022 after the incident where Elon Musk showed up at Twitter’s offices with a kitchen sink and just carried it around being a douchebag. That was pretty indicative of where the platform was headed.
I couldn’t care less about the circumstances. Also don’t care who gets the credit, and besides, Biden loved to bloody his hands as evidenced by his decision to make sure Israel’s WMD’s always arrived on time. Pretending he was a peacemaker is just silly.
I care that a war meant to be permanent finally ended, as it should have done many, many years earlier.
I disagree.
That was a two-decade war that, had any other politician been elected, would have continued in perpetuity. I frankly couldn’t care less if the withdrawal was botched. A botched withdrawal was better than the alternative.
Not me.
Reagan was famous for roping us into foreign wars, and we can all remember that famous picture of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein. Bush I, likewise, loved roping the US military into foreign wars where we shouldn’t have been involved. Clinton came up with the term ‘peacekeeping action’ to rebrand his wars. Bush roped us into wars that lasted two decades, killed hundreds of thousands, and displaced millions AND started the US torture program. Obama destabilized multiple countries, was bombing seven countries at once when he left office, reclassified the term ‘enemy combatant’ to mask civilian kills, and made said torture legally permissible. Trump I arguably colluded with (or at least stood aside) while Russia escalated its military campaign against Ukraine. (Though I give him some credit for negotiating US withdrawal from Afghanistan and getting us out of Syria) Biden, like Obama, allowed the bombing of multiple countries throughout his presidency and, despite widespread reporting of Israeli atrocities, always made sure they got their WMD’s courtesy of the US taxpayer.
All this is to say: They’re all assholes, even if they give great speeches, and that’s especially true with regard to support of Israel.
Nicely done, Canada.
the idiots I’m surrounded by cheer his victory.
That’s kinda the American way, sadly.
Just my opinion as a layman: the tariffs give his corporate backers all the excuse they need to jack up prices even higher.