So, you are saying doing it covertly is better?
So, you are saying doing it covertly is better?
In this particular post. Remember, propaganda has to include some truth or it won’t work very well. That post is true. Whereas one would be pretty stupid to trust as true most of what the CCP-controlled media says.
I fail to see how one would get the idea that someone is saying other countries are “angelic heavens with leaders who have nothing but the best intentions for all people” from this discussion.
A better statistic with which to make comparisons between nations is the % of GDP or budget of said nations devoted to aid. The US is first in the actual amount given, but our budgetary % is pretty low compared to other nations. Not to mention the aid figures given include military aid and similar that ends up coming back to US companies.
FWIW, I HATE the CCP. Though they do keep China from being all it could be which could be bad for other countries.