I though trump was going to pull the US out of Nato?
I though trump was going to pull the US out of Nato?
Living inside the same imaginary lines on a map doesn’t make them our people. The Russian government has more influence over such people than you or I.
The “leaders” of the human race have a long history of shaping "the people"s lives so that they suseptible to being convinced by poloticians. It’s like fighting against the addictive powers of social media. They hire the best to make it addictive. Many people just can’t mentally compete. That said, voter turnout was 64%, so only 32% ish voted for this. And a large part were probably dupped by the messaging.
Don’t be embarrassed for the actions of poloticians. We only have the illusion of choice in the US. You can be embarrassed for the human race if you like. Cause “leaders” like this exist in the first place.
Don’t be embarrassed for the actions of poloticians. We only have the illusion of choice in the US. You can be embarrassed for the human race if you like. Cause “leaders” like this exist in the first place.
Don’t be embarrassed for the actions of poloticians. We only have the illusion of choice in the US. You can be embarrassed for the human race if you like. Cause “leaders” like this exist in the first place.
As always, if your source for anything is “trump said”, you really don’t have a source. Just gotta ignore everything he says, it just feeds him.
All his billionaire crones are going to be pissed. Think of all the jobs that will create. How will they be able to abuse the average worker when thier aren’t enough of them to go around. It’s going to drive up wages. And the investment capital that goes to gaza isn’t going to the billionaires tech companies.
Sooner or later, one of them is going to off him.
Your supposed to vote for the candidate that represents your views. Doing so should never be considered sacrificing anyone unless you candidate is the bad guy.
Decades of blaming third party voters is why we have two parties that don’t represent the people today.
There will be pain breaking that trend, but eventually it will pay off.
So word is that the more the US mistreats Z, the more the European people like him, and want to support him. So this was probably a great outcome fir them. The deal offered was very one sided. Had Z just not taken it, people would blame him. But now, everyone knows who to blame.