So, the fact that the pendulum has reliably swung back and forth for … 150 years? … is of no consequence. If you aren’t a troll, you seem to be admitting to being a 16 year old who hates history class.
So, the fact that the pendulum has reliably swung back and forth for … 150 years? … is of no consequence. If you aren’t a troll, you seem to be admitting to being a 16 year old who hates history class.
Lol did you forget they won big last time? And no I don’t say this to comment on their strategy at all. Just to show your criteria is meaningless and moronic. Now go away
Scroll up and down. You can find plenty of well worded arguments that dash yours to pieces. I’m not spending more of my mental health on you.
On its face, your idea falls apart on even the slightest inspection. This thread is full of that and we don’t need to pretend everyone calling you out needs to rehash it
This user’s recent post is a pretty good indicator of how little they understand
Edit: downvote all you want, binary thinkers
I appreciate you clearing up your AgEnDa
You couldn’t be more transparent if you tried
Hard to believe this is real. If Democrats were saying not to do anything, I’d believe that. This post couldn’t pour it on thicker
They keep shouting to the rooftops that the Democratic party did nothing wrong
Yeah I don’t believe you. People aren’t saying that. That is you taking the liberty of recharacterizing their thoughts.
Are people still saying that?
No one is going to call it that except in the same way “freedom fries” was used. People unfamiliar with the actual name might eventually use “gulf of America” if the maps continue to show it, but right now most of us know the original name and will use it out of habit, if nothing else
Yeah this is chaos that the majority didn’t sign up for. I hate this fucking timeline
Fair enough
This bitch hasn’t read a word of the Bible in her life
What is that quote?
That makes zero fucking sense. I’m not affluent whatsoever and you have zero reason for thinking that. Blocking this troll. Recommend others don’t feed them.