Slava Ukraini!
Slava Ukraini!
Ukraine was never actually going to be granted membership into NATO, there is a reason for that. They’re being used as pawns. It’s not me who thinks of them as not noteworthy, but nice try with the guilt tripping, it won’t work on me.
That is so low of a bar to clear that it’s not noteworthy at all.
Does an ethnostate that is carrying out a genocide as part of its program of ethnic cleansing count as fascism? Now what do you call people who supply that ethnostate with billions in weapons?
That’s why I order with almond milk because nut juice is more manly.
Depends on who the gatekeeper is. Would you assume the same about someone being kicked out of twitter/x?
Is this like a reality TV show where we can simply vote people off the island country?
The gatekeepers moved to control the internet.
Good idea threatening people who would want to do business with you, especially when your economy isn’t worth investing in even without the threats.
Thanks for ignoring the entirety of my response to return to the raw dumb numbers without the context. You remind me of people who post crime statistics of Black Americans to try to prove a racist point. Don’t bother replying if you’re just going to ignore the counterargument.
I’m sure you’ll win the lottery someday. Just keep trying!!
I’m already following your plan. It isn’t working.
Biden was getting his sorry ass kicked until South Carolina where he got one critical endorsement to edge out a slight victory. Then the party’s buddies in big media ran a “Biden miracle” story and the party got all the other candidates to drop out and put their full support behind Biden just before super Tuesday. They also funded a PAC to keep Warren in the race to split votes with Sanders. Thanks to the moronic primary process, after that point it’s like a snowball rolling downhill because by the later states, it will appear as if one candidate is the guaranteed winner so supporters of other candidates won’t bother showing up. It’s why superdelegates were used in 2016 to make it look like Clinton was too far ahead for Sanders to matter. All that plus it’s a party-controlled process where diehard party supporters are more likely to vote in that process than normal voters, so you’ll have an automatic bias for the party favorite (some milquetoast center-right stooge).
If you want to ignore all that and focus on raw dumb numbers, then you should consider that the voting population of the US is much greater than ~30 million people. Do you think all those other voters’ choices don’t matter?
You misunderstand the complexity of the problem. There is no simple and clear plan because it’s not a simple and clear problem to solve. I’m pointing out that voting doesn’t work because it clearly doesn’t. It’s there to make you think you have a choice and to divert blame to someone/something other than the billionaires who control the system.
This is the trillion-dollar question. How does one combat a system so dominated by money? I certainly don’t have the funds to lobby politicians and the politicians certainly won’t agree to change the system that showers them with gifts and power. This same system leads to greater and greater wealth inequality. The top 10% wealthiest Americans own two-thirds of the wealth: https://www.statista.com/statistics/203961/wealth-distribution-for-the-us
Even if wealth distribution was more equal and the bottom 90% had more wealth in total, it’s a lot easier to get fewer people to agree with collective action and to control the narrative with a coherent policy.
Not through the party-controlled process.
They let non-party-favored candidates run in the primaries just like how this kid is allowed to mow the law
The doomsday clock is goofy. What benefit is there to setting an arbitrary value on a bad-o-meter?
Even better!