What is known so far.
Shooter was 35-year old male
Shooter dead at the scene
The school is what could be described as an adult municipal school (komvux). Classes there are mainly for those looking to improve grades from primary and high school, aswell as SFI (Swedish for immigrants)
Edit https://www.thelocal.se/20250204/police-suspected-school-shooting-orebro-sweden
What does skin color have to with it being classified as terror crime or not? This isn’t America.
This is verbatim what the police press officer said
Propaganda machine go brrrrrrrrrr
Are you from Sweden? Everyone from Scandinavia is aware that race relations are not great (especially in Sweden). But information on race and cultural background are genuinely not collected. This is because they’re trying desperately not to cause divisions in society (it doesn’t work because everyone jumps to conclusions anyway).
Furthermore skin colour actually has very little to do with shooters being classified as terrorists in Scandinavia because Norway’s worst terrorist (and not a single fucking person here would classify him as anything else) was very white, very Norwegian and very proud of that fact.
In fact until 2001 most if the terrorist groups people were familiar with in Europe were white national separatist groups like the IRA and ETA. They were classified as terrorist groups because
1: they are a group
and most importantly
2: they commit acts of terror.