What is known so far.
Shooter was 35-year old male
Shooter dead at the scene
The school is what could be described as an adult municipal school (komvux). Classes there are mainly for those looking to improve grades from primary and high school, aswell as SFI (Swedish for immigrants)
Edit https://www.thelocal.se/20250204/police-suspected-school-shooting-orebro-sweden
“School shooting”
“No terrorist intent”
Oh, so the terrorist is white…
What does skin color have to with it being classified as terror crime or not? This isn’t America.
This is verbatim what the police press officer said
Det finns nu inga misstankar om att det handlar om ett terrorbrott, och polisen tror att mannen har agerat på egen hand, även om man inte utesluter fler med koppling till dådet, säger Roberto Eid Forest.
Propaganda machine go brrrrrrrrrr
Are you from Sweden? Everyone from Scandinavia is aware that race relations are not great (especially in Sweden). But information on race and cultural background are genuinely not collected. This is because they’re trying desperately not to cause divisions in society (it doesn’t work because everyone jumps to conclusions anyway).
Furthermore skin colour actually has very little to do with shooters being classified as terrorists in Scandinavia because Norway’s worst terrorist (and not a single fucking person here would classify him as anything else) was very white, very Norwegian and very proud of that fact.
In fact until 2001 most if the terrorist groups people were familiar with in Europe were white national separatist groups like the IRA and ETA. They were classified as terrorist groups because
1: they are a group
and most importantly
2: they commit acts of terror.
The reuters article is rather sparse, CNN has a more in depth one.
This is the worst mass shooting in Swedish history to date.
Minister of State Ulf Kristersson held a press conference a few hours ago, and the King has issued a statement also.
It’s honestly quite draining with the constantly escalating violence. Many here didn’t initially react or realize the magnitude when the initial news hit after lunch citing five people shot.
Right now though one of our most prolific Swedish online forums (flashback) is down due to excessive traffic, and last I saw the news have blown up on mainstream platforms too.
Shooter had a hunting license and used his own hunting weapon for the attack. He had no known affiliations with criminals and had no criminal records of his own. He had no income during 2023 according to his tax statements.
Source https://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/det-har-vet-vi-om-misstankte-garningsmannen-i-orebro
Sweden just opened up for the AR styled rifles with big magazines as “Hunting” rifles in 23. With the scant information that has come out so far, it seams likely it was this sort of rifle.
Thsi whole planet has got mental health issues and I don’t know how the fuck we even start resolving that shit.