Trump has proposed permanently resettling Palestinians out of Gaza, calling it a “demolition site” and suggesting the U.S. take over and rebuild the territory.
His plan, seen as violating international law, has been rejected by Arab nations, who warn it could destabilize the region.
The proposal aligns with Israeli ultranationalists pushing for Palestinian expulsion.
Critics say it would eliminate hopes for a two-state solution and amount to mass displacement.
Not me.
Reagan was famous for roping us into foreign wars, and we can all remember that famous picture of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein. Bush I, likewise, loved roping the US military into foreign wars where we shouldn’t have been involved. Clinton came up with the term ‘peacekeeping action’ to rebrand his wars. Bush roped us into wars that lasted two decades, killed hundreds of thousands, and displaced millions AND started the US torture program. Obama destabilized multiple countries, was bombing seven countries at once when he left office, reclassified the term ‘enemy combatant’ to mask civilian kills, and made said torture legally permissible. Trump I arguably colluded with (or at least stood aside) while Russia escalated its military campaign against Ukraine. (Though I give him some credit for negotiating US withdrawal from Afghanistan and getting us out of Syria) Biden, like Obama, allowed the bombing of multiple countries throughout his presidency and, despite widespread reporting of Israeli atrocities, always made sure they got their WMD’s courtesy of the US taxpayer.
All this is to say: They’re all assholes, even if they give great speeches, and that’s especially true with regard to support of Israel.
He negotiated with the Taliban and didn’t include the actual Afghan government in the discussion. He setup an intentional clusterfuck to take place after the election in the event of his loss. No credit is deserved for this.
I disagree.
That was a two-decade war that, had any other politician been elected, would have continued in perpetuity. I frankly couldn’t care less if the withdrawal was botched. A botched withdrawal was better than the alternative.
The thing is, he had his whole presidency to pull out of Afghanistan, and then didn’t. All he did was negotiate a political time bomb for his predecessor. Biden is the one who actually pulled the troops out. You should care that it was botched because it was done so on purpose, by Trump, at the negotiating table. Credit for actually pulling out goes too Biden.
I couldn’t care less about the circumstances. Also don’t care who gets the credit, and besides, Biden loved to bloody his hands as evidenced by his decision to make sure Israel’s WMD’s always arrived on time. Pretending he was a peacemaker is just silly.
I care that a war meant to be permanent finally ended, as it should have done many, many years earlier.