If you create your own maps digitally, what do you use as map-making software?
Personally, I am fond of Inkscape, as it gives me maximum flexibility and the vector-based approach is great for scaling and rotating things.
Tiled. You can even cut up (in Gimp) a bunch of other maps and create your own tilesets. So now I have a bunch of them, one with most often used rooms, one with basic walls, one with security measures etc
In truth, I use whatever is handy - from paper and pencil to whatever app(s) I have access to.
That said, I’ve just started playing around with Affinity Designer 2 - which I suspect would be a lot like working in Inkscape (since they’re both vector based).
Photoshop if I want to make something really nice.
Otherwise, I just use one of those dice map generators, roll them on a piece of paper, and then draw around it. This is my favorite one https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c4/a2/96/c4a296f1201b05073413eae7938356bd.jpg
I settled on Campaign Cartographer 3+.
It has a steep learning curve, but seems to be the most powerful tool by far.
The Photoshop of map makers; Amazing if you know how to use it, but absolutely useless if you don’t.
I use inkscape for overland maps. I use Watabou Medieval City generator for city maps. I use Dungeon Alchemist for dungeon/indoor battlemaps.