Surveys have actually showed many rich people never thinkof themselves as affluent.
Surveys have actually showed many rich people never thinkof themselves as affluent.
Yes, of course. Someone with affluenza who never has to deal with consequences of wealth inequality say that.
Lol did you forget they won big last time?
Right, let me put it another way. If Dem strategy works, why are they losing?
“The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.” No wonder mental health is affected and keep losing because blue MAGA keep banging their heads to the wall for the past 10 years.
Third way had gone its way. It is time to move over.
Which party lost twice and will only keep losing?
Of course Third Way and neoliberals still think we’re in pre-recession era when appealing to moderates still work in the face of growing wealth inequality. If your way is the only way, why keep losing?
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Anyone who genuinely support Sanders would not be begging the questions and pretending not to know how the DNC deliberately sidelined him; nor not know how popular his policies are when polled among Americans, which the polls are easily searched on the Internet if one types how popular a given Bernie Sanders or the general progressive proposals are.
You are not really fooling anyone feigning to be Bernie supporter but an actual DNC sock puppet. It is not my problem though, it is the Democratic party who will keep losing (not that they care, they mind more not alienating their rich donors that also fund the Republicans).
Your comment is strange and contradictory, which I have suspicion of on what your trying to do. But I will bite.
Dem primaries-- much of whom are full of blue MAGA and rigged by DNC elites-- selecting a non-popular candidate who will do the bidding of corporate donors will not win the actual election. Bernie is popular when polled on national level (by the way, in a hypothetical election between Trump and Bernie, showed the latter would be way ahead). But if polled among the elites and blue MAGA such as yourself? Of course he is not popular.
So you are indeed one of those.
It is as if Bernie, a more popular candidate, wasn’t deliberately sidelined. It is as if Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, another popular politician, wasn’t selected to head the Oversight committee and chose instead a geriatric, monied politician. It is
And finally, ask yourself, is not running on those popular platforms gave Democrats the win in elections? Or are you going to call people dumb? Who is really the dumb one for losing against annoying orange?
You have it the other way around. It is the Shitlibs™ preferring literal fascists by not going left enough on common sense policies that the rest of other developed countries take for granted. By not running on popular policies, Shitlibs are tacitly allowing literal fascists to take power. Instead, all the Shitlibs/blue MAGA say is “I am not my opponent. And you will be happy with our breadcrumb policies or the other guy wins! (But we don’t care, we get paid by our corporate donors regardless)”
There are plenty of them if you lurk long enough. They will harp “vote blue, no matter who” and repeating the meme “leopards ate your face”. The litmus test is to mention that Democrats did not go left enough which is why people voted for Trump (who promised the always appealing tax cuts amidst the growing inequality and radical reshoring of companies), and blue MAGA will bury their heads in the sand and keep calling Latinos, black folks and white working class and others who are working three jobs, living pay check to paycheck, and can’t afford to pay for medical insurance as ignorant, racist, misogynists, Uncle Toms, etc.
Sure it was stupid to vote Trump, but it was more stupid of Democrats to lose to an orange man by not appealing and refusing to acknowledge those who have economic anxieties brought by mismanaged globalisation. It would have been an easy victory, but blue MAGA and DNC do not want to alienate the same donors that fund the Republicans (I mean, look at the screenshot where it says to court big donors instead).
The blue MAGA are here on Lemmy and I ran into couple of them. They keep shouting to the rooftops that the Democratic party did nothing wrong and berate Trump voters as stupid and ignorant. But they are tone deaf when you point out that the Democratic party is not willing to run on the platform on Medicare-for-all, build more social housing and increase federal minimum wage (and ditch Israel), which made the party unappealing and lose consistently. Basically, blue MAGA don’t want to go left, because even if they are socially progressive on issues, they benefit from wealth inequality because they themselves are affluent in spite of being socially progressive.
Edit: yep, the blue MAGA came out of the woodwork. They think Medicare for all, affordable housing, and increasing minimum wage are red fascism.
Trump is kinda right. Charles De Gaulle wanted a united Europe to prevent Anglo-American influence. Aside from his Anglophobia, he vetoed UK joining then EEC because he thought UK is a Trojan horse for American influence into Europe. He also thought that the British are reluctant Europeans anyhow, so why let them in?
Fast forward 60 years later, and De Gaulle was found right. US companies tried to lobby the EU through UK. The Brits voted for Brexit, and the US finally became an unreliable ally.
For so much of the French being chauvinistic in a cringey way, they are right not to commit to Anglo influence or Atlanticism, presciently. The French still likes to assert their own global influence but in multilateral way with other countries. Macron and De Gaulle are correct for looking for strategic autonomy.
Edit: I also want to add, that the Brussels effect forces other countries to adopt higher standards and regulations if they want to trade with the EU. Obviously, many right wing Americans such as Trump don’t like this.
I may not like the CCP, but you have to give credit to where it is due. The government is run by pragmatic technocrats with long term vision. These are the characteristics that America has lost long ago. It is so ironic and funny that it is China who is the promoter now of international free trade.
Canada, America and Mexico should just form into one supranational state like the EU. Mexicans can be farm hands legally, like many Balkans come to Western Europe for seasonal farming, and the state gets development grants; American farms can get cheap labour without having to deal with headache inducing, Kafkaesque labour and immigration bureaucracy, ordinary Americans get free healthcare from Canada and American gun nuts could kill all the cartels they want. Meanwhile, Canada gets military protection from US and can holiday in sunny Cancun visa-free for Christmas.
I wish the lunatics voters that support this would realize how expensive each of these flights are, at tax payers expense!
I see that the US finally got a taste of the Rwanda plan.
If you are a greedy person, the bigger Russia has a lot more to offer than protecting smaller Ukraine’s freedom.