Yeah or some random guy whose experience with war is a 6 month tour as a “military journalist.”
I just don’t understand what the goal here is. It seems like everything this administration does is with the purpose of offending or alienating our allies. Even if you believe in the whole “America First,” how could that possibly be achieved by pushing away every other country except for maybe Russia or China.
My theory is that there is no goal. It’s just bullying for the sake of bullying.
end of story
Oligarchy! Change the country into a space for rich folks to own EVERYTHING. Why isn’t Putin listening? The goal is to take all the world and drain it into his pockets… his Elon’s… there’s no surprise that all the billionaires attended his coronation…
Hey you’re under selling Trmp’s allies, remember rocket Man sent him a VERY nice letter that one time or some shit…
That is the goal. It’s what daddy putin wants. Destabilize the west and then carve it up for himself.
They believe in themselves too much. Nationalism is inherently flawed and irrational.
They aren’t smart. If you ask “what would they do if they were unintelligent?” Then things start to make sense.
Who is this random dude anyway?
Here at ‘Bumpkin Watch’ our investigative journalist team have uncovered the real reason why weirdy-trimmed-beardy JD Vance uses his initials rather than either of his actual forenames. At first we just assumed it was some kind of a hillbilly thing like being called Gomer, Cletus or Booger, but it actually turns out it’s because his real name is even more shit than any of those.
Vance, whose parents were siblings, was actually christened Jebediah Doofus on August 3rd, 1984 by his mentally ill mother, Trixie-Bob, at the Middletown Confessional Calvinist Church, Ohio after she escaped from the local mental institute with the one day old nipper.
His father, Goober Charles Jnr (renowned crystal meth manufacturer and three time near miss KKK Grand Wizard) passed away eight months earlier in what has only been described in the local ‘Middletown Gazette’ as “a freak washing machine accident”. According to sources, Goober, “was at the local laundromat” and “got his frayed neckerchief caught in the machine’s drive belt during its spin cycle”. Apparently he had been “raking for loose change through a removed rear panel”.
Initially christened with the surname Bomen, his mother changed it to Reynolds when she married her sixth husband and uncle, Herschel Beauregard “Burt” Reynolds III.
Quite where he got the surname Vance from has remained a mystery for many years, however, having recently tracked down his old juvenile detention buddy Virgil Buford, we can confirm that he adopted it from the famous UK Radio One disc jockey and heavy metal enthusiast, Tommy Vance, whom JD had become enamoured with during his early years. Sources have disclosed that he used to tune in to his step father’s portable shortwave radio every Friday night during Uncle Herschel’s weekly weekend “fishing” trips, although Buford did remark that “the only fishing Ol’ Burt ever got up to was for some well worn pussy.”
“I can’t believe he’s got to where he is today,” Buford added, “to start from such humble beginnings and end up third in command of the country under Elon is one hellava achievement.”