All right I’m convinced, we should be eating fetuses
Atheist here, we apparently love to eat babies. tune in Tuesday for recipes.
Ye an unborn chick and an unfertilised egg is practically the same thing nutrition-wise anyway
Yeah, but the fetus can eventually be used for slave labor, including the production of more slaves. The male chicks are more useful being shredded for cheap slave fodder. If we generate enough value for our masters in this way, they’ll let us join them. Blessed be the fruit.
be used for slave labor, including the production of more slaves.
That’s the theory they had. Turns out humans don’t breed that well in captivity. In practice the birth rate keeps dropping and is now way below replacement rates.
iTs A pErSoN!
I think there is a thing to only create female chicken now so they won’t have to kill 50 percent of them.
Shredding alive for… Eggs? 🤔
Edit: appreciate the replies! I actually already knew that, I think the verbage just threw me off. Poor chickies
Male chicks get shredded because they do not lay eggs.
Is true I think. Overstated a bit possibly?
IDK I don’t work on a farm etc
Yes. Half the eggs you get in the supermarket actually come from splitting open the males rather than waiting for them to grow old enough to lay them.
Excuse me what? Chicken take 21 days to hatch?
They mean a day old chicken that has hatched. They are comparing a human embryo to a live chick.
If it is a male chicken that is not going to lay eggs, it will get shredded
To my knowledge they do not have an inexpensive way, let’s be honest any way that costs any money is probably not going to be used unlessed forced, to find the sex of the chicken before it is hatched.
It’s called chick culling if your interested in reading about how 7 billion male chick’s get shredded each year worldwide.
Yup. Though if you’ve ever seen the shredders, it’s just about the most humane way to die. It’s absolutely brutal, but they’re dead before they even know the shredder has been turned on. It’s so startlingly fast that an onlooker wouldn’t even have time to react.
*21 day old chick
Problematic fact: Animal rights implies the existence of animal wrongs.
Do you also think feathers can’t be dark because feathers are light?
Huh? It’s a joke.
“I can excuse abortion, but I draw the line on animal cruelty.”
It’s “I can excuse animal cruelty, but I draw the line on abortion”
You got the joke!
oh my god this is why we lose all the goddamn time. why do pro choice people have to make the fucking worst arguments? this comparison is dumb for multiple reasons. viability is arbitrary and irrelevant, and most importantly could be subject to change. some people talk about the fetus technically being a parasite; that makes you sound psychotic.
there’s one argument here: freedom over your own body. you shouldn’t be legally forced to undergo an operation for someone else’s benefit. yes even if the fetus is a person, it’s viable, can feel pain, whatever. there’s literally no other situation where that is even remotely legal. you can’t be forced to donate an organ or blood to your own child. the only reason one is forced and one isn’t is because of the general idea that men will be in one of those situations.
there’s no reason to accept their framing on any of this and try to beat them in some sort of logical trap. they’ll move the goalpost. they’re not serious about any of this. this is and has always been about controlling the woman, and the counter therefore should be about the woman.
everything about the fetus is just bullshit. if they cared about the fetus they’d argue for its wellbeing literally at any point after the first moment of its birth but they don’t. THEY DON’T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ANY BABY. why would they care about a goddamn chick? no it’s always only about women. the baby stuff is a smokescreen to get you to argue mind numbingly stupid shit like this.
oh my god if I were arguing with an anti choice moron and someone “on my side” would butt in with “but we kill chicks though” I would smack them across the face. stop being weird.
there’s one argument here: freedom over your own body.
Animals should have freedom over their bodies too. It’s hypocritical to be pro-choice, but then force cows to have arms shoved up their anus to be artificially inseminated for dairy products by buying their secretions. It’s hypocritical to think you deserve total control over an animal’s body for taste pleasure. Be vegan.
There are 80 billion land animals killed for trivial, unnecessary reasons every year. Stop breastfeeding off of another species in adulthood and paying for chicks to be thrown in blenders. That’s fucking weird.
Chickens are not even a millionth the value of a human life. Im pro choice but chill out.
Idk about that, with even just a few chickens you could feed a family of humans reliably. A creature’s “value” ist not based on whether or not they’re as smart or capable as humans. When I was growing up we had some chickens and they fed us with eggs for my entire childhood. That’s some value right there.
On the other hand, we humans are devaluing their lives by mass-producing and mass-killing them before they’re even grown up and able to show their value.
Meanwhile, I’m pretty sure my value is negative. I don’t contribute anything to society, I simply consume and pollute.
It’s all relative.
If you say chickens are only valuable because they feed humans, you are admitting they do not have any intrinsic value.
You are misunderstanding the meaning of the word “value” in this context, you almost use it like monetary value, but this is not accurate.
Also, we are not talking about value for someone, but value for itself. A human is valuable not because he is useful, but for himself. Even Aristotle said that the difference between a free man and a slave is that a free man exists for himself while a slave exists for others. By that rationale, not recognising intrinsic value within oneself but instead viewing ones value in terms of your worth to society is slave mentality.
What’s the value of a human to a chicken? Perhaps mankind should just take one small step back for once. Would be about time by now.
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Says a human. Precius.