Tens of millions of people voted for the Democrats. Do they not get to complain?
Tens of millions of people voted for the Democrats. Do they not get to complain?
New conservative Minister bowing to fascism, that’s not alarming in any way
Reminder, when they said make America great again their base might have thought 1950s Leave it to Beaver bullshit, but what they meant was the Gilded Age. And that seems right on track.
Shocked it’s not higher
Yeah buddy we all know this. We knew it then. We knew he was lying. He promised he would lower the prices of eggs day one. He’s a liar. But he made the promise, so as stupid as is I’m going to keep holding him to it. I’mma keep bitching.
This is down voted for some reason but it’s literally true. No matter who you voted for no matter whether you voted or not you voted for genocide in this election. Pure facts.
I’m shocked to see Canadian conservatives Actually side with their country over authoritarian billionaires. Like I’m downright flabbergasted. Never in 100 years did I think they’d actually circle the wagons. I mean I’m still not really convinced, but I have my eyebrows raised.
Money that’s not being spent to arm Ukraine or prepare against potential Russian invasions of NATO countries. What a useful Ploy this has been. Got to hand it to Putin he knows how to use his tools, however decrepit they may be.
Seeing how Democrats keep gnawing on this bone really lets me know the Democrats are never going to ever win another election. Anything in the world to avoid having to change their failed strategy. They ran the Hillary Clinton campaign and lost again, but God forbid they changed that no it’s the voters who are wrong. Should we appeal to voters who care more about the working class than the business class? Nah fuck that. Should we appeal to people who don’t like people like Henry Kissinger and Dick Cheney? Nah fuck that. Keep fucking that chicken.
All right I’m convinced, we should be eating fetuses
I’ve been saying this for a number of months now you got to kill this party. Abandon it completely. We got to start a new party. We got to start a labor party. A worker party. A party of the people. Whatever we want to call it, but whatever it’s called it’s a party that’s not for the big corporate donors that control the Democratic Party. The Democratic party basically since the late '70s but certainly since the '80s abandoned the people the peoples issues. They’re not coming back.