Worthwhile for the attached clip.
CNN’s Katelyn Polantz reported that the White House circulated a memo to agency heads Thursday attacking the lawsuits as partisan impediments to president Donald Trump’s agenda and encouraged them to invoke a procedural rule requiring plaintiffs to post money at the start of their court case to cover costs and damages if the government ultimately prevails.
Came to post this - this easily could have been added to the text of the OP.
Or the headline, for that matter.
Sounds like a “rule” not a law. And also sounds very unconstitutional.
Someone being sued by the government should flip the script and ask the government to ante up.
At this point Trump could’ve signed an EO to say you gotta put down a $1 million deposit to sue the government. He’s not bashful about making shit up.
This sounds like it would cripple the right to petition
Legal bullshittery?! From this administration?!