Just looking at this post as an example, on lemmy.world show it has 29 comments, but when i open it, there are now only 3 or 4. I replied to one comment, the user i replied to got banned, and the whole comment tree is gone from lemmy.world. Other instances still show all comments, including those from the banned user and my reply. I think it’s very confusing when a single post appears with different comments on different instances, and have no idea how this works.
Edit: why am i forced to upload a photo for a new post?
Dad printed this photo out and put it up on work paper board many years ago. Glad to see its still acrewing new pixels today.
Forced to upload a picture is because you chose the wrong post type.
I got caught by that when I started using Voyager.
Edit: why am i forced to upload a photo for a new post?
Which way are you posting? Mobile/web interface? Shouldn’t need to add an image to post…
That aside, regarding your main question:
I think it’s very confusing when a single post appears with different comments on different instances, and have no idea how this works.
A basic reason for the difference in which comments are appearing across different instances/sites is because of delays in networking (federation) between the sites due to a variety of reasons. One of the common ones with the fediverse tends to be the software itself, and sometimes differences in versions’ federation handling. In this case it’s probably because Lemmy World is still running an older version of Lemmy with clunkier federation at Lemmy World’s scale, which causes delays in activities on there updating elsewhere (particularly those hosted in Australia).
See also Kichae’s comment for a more detailed explanation, covers how things operate under more ideal conditions.Re photo: posted using voyager on mobile, so maybe that is the issue.
Re delays: the original post isn’t on world, it’s on another instance. I did comment from world and that whole comment tree disappeared from world but not from the original instance. So it does not seem to be a delay in federation from the original instance to world.
And correct me if i am wrong, but banning a user just stops them from posting, but i thought it did not delete their post history without additional mod action - which i cant see in the modlog
And correct me if i am wrong, but banning a user just stops them from posting, but i thought it did not delete their post history without additional mod action - which i cant see in the modlog
There’s an option when banning a user to also remove their content, albeit unless it’s an admin action I don’t think it would affect their whole post history beyond the specific community.
I’m kind of getting the sense as I look into this that it may be related to how Voyager is rendering the thread, as I’m not able to observe what’s being described from the web interface. That’s another catch in all this, the other apps and interfaces have their own quirks in how they handle rendering things, which itself is typically related to how they work off the base software (Lemmy in this case).
It is not a voyager issue. Viewing the Post on world in the web browser also only shows 3 out of 20 comments
I tried looking at the post you linked on the Lemmy.world instance however I used an app. I was able to see each individual post. What this tells me is this is a purely frontend issue as the back end is capable of serving the entire comment section.
See the screenshot below (taken while in the Lemmy.world instance)
Thank you for checking. That is weird. Your screen shot is exactly what I would expect / like to see when a user is blocked and has their comments removed. Neither voyager nor the web interface for world shows that. What app are you using?
I’m using Summit for Lemmy. (I’m also the dev)
Shame that isn’t on ios
Hmm I just checked the lemmy.world website and I can see the entire comment chain there as well. Link: https://lemmy.world/post/24942544