And they can also continue to blame Biden.
Are we all just cowering down? Reading these comments makes it sounds like we should just all give up.
All Trump’s gotta do is blame the Dems. Already going that route
Y’all learned nothing from the election if you’re still trying to turn them.
not trying to turn them
trying to thin them.
No, they’re selfish and borderline retarded sheep. When a few retarded sheep start making the suffering noise, they’ll all join the chorus because they don’t have the capacity for independent thought
There is no need to swing Trump voters over.
There are more citizens who did not vote at all who can be engaged with and energized - because these policies are going to fuck them too.
One danger, though: Trump’s campaign managers will try to swing them as well.
I am hopeful! But it will be a fight.
They are trash people who are lost causes
Believe it or not, there are already MAGA people pissed at him in hard red states/districts.
Yep, and they’ll vote every Republican in again next time regardless.
99/100 of em are lost causes.
Ah yes, the “Pity me, I didn’t get mine” crowd.
It’s very frustrating.
What I’ve seen when I bring what’s happening up to family members step one is denial “oh he’s not doing that” step 2 is defend “well it’s probably for the best, kids do yern for the mines”.
Nothing is convincing.
Stages of grief. Most are just getting to denial.
My 90 year old grandma has moved onto bargaining. She’s trying to write a letter to DJT to “warn him about Musk”
Not bad progress, considering I couldn’t get her to budge at all over the past decade.
It doesn’t help that they have literally been programmed by right and far right propaganda that only influences and reinforces that mentality of “unity”.
I’m a member of a lot of hiking communities on FB. Prior to Trump second presidency, they would blame any kind of problems related to insufficient budgeting to “ sending all money to Ukraine”. Now that he’s the president, and is BLATANTLY cutting budgets to national parks and forests, I see his supporters say “ it’s too bad we donated so much money to the national parks of Ukraine” or “ if Biden did this, you wouldn’t be complaining”, or some version of “ this is necessary, nothing really changed”.
If only they agreed that Social Security, Universal Healthcare and just being nice to each other is better for everyone.
If we try to increase the quality of life for everyone, we’ll have a better world.
Not every Trump voter is a die hard MAGA, a large amount just don’t pay attention and vote republican out of habit because the media has told them for decades that Republicans are better for the economy or just because that is the party their parents voted for.
Knew 2 guys that just hated Trans ppl more than anything
This is starting to sound a lot like the typical Russian mentality.
Russia’s biggest export atm.
It’s more common.
To add, many Nazis were unrepentant.
And life for most Germans turned shitty really fast, with wages dropping to depression levels with a lot more work hours.
… until THEY lose their job to the Trumpcession.
Difference is that Trump Term 1 didn’t really impose a cost on them directly. And so far, the idea of hardship sounds alright.
But when they are dumped to the curb at age 66 with social security cuts, half the 401k they thought they had, and even Walmart ain’t hiring…