Hmmm, so we all lose access to beautiful public lands we’ve had for generations, so that someone (but definitely not us) will get money?
I don’t think anyone in Washington right now is that good of a salesman
Ha ha just like the tea pot dome scandal, and that bribe to a senator about mining in Teddy Roosevelt’s head.
I think nothing would elevate the hatred of billionaires more than if they buy up the national parks for their own private estates.
Great Smokey national park is now the walton’s family compound
Rocky Mountain National park is now the gates compound
Yosemite becomes musk’s outdoor playground
The grand canyon is bezo’s now
Just writing that elevated my blood pressure
Don’t worry, no one is thinking that. But wouldn’t it be so much more productive to have oil wells and strip mines there? Otherwise that land is just fraud, waste, and abuse
Fucking disgusting. Hope it’s all to a bunch of dickhead billionaires, and those contracts are reversed/ignores after Trump gets kicked out.
Now THAT would be hilarious.
My guess is preserving the public lands is something that maybe 80% of Americans will agree with. It’s a 3rd rail and his support will plummet if he tries to follow through.
That’s the neat part about implementing fascism, you suddenly stop giving a shit about public support. Why do you think they were trying to do it that badly
Parceling out the properties into new oligarchy states.
LOL, “support”.
You mean among just the redcaps? And does it even need to be a majority of those motherfuckers?
Counterpoint: Do they even care? They’ll do it anyway. What did they care if the public doesn’t like it? They’ll be richer for it and that’s all that matters.
I understand no one is objecting at Republican town halls. /s