People, please don’t forget that they (the trump admin) redid the trade agreement with Mexico and Canada in their previous term. We are in this shit because they couldn’t even make a deal previously and still think they are masters of deals.
If you are a non-Trump voter in a red state, especially if you work for the flagship company or industry in that state, I would like to apologize on behalf of all Canadians for what our government is about to do. We don’t want to do it but it is the only way to deal with a bully.
50 States, 50 Protests, 1day
Feb 5 @ your state capitols
Pass the word!
Is there another place to see this? I deleted my Facebook last week to avoid all the Nazi propaganda :(
The hashtag is #50501 apparently.
Should be 10 days if possible
Do people really still use Facebook?
Moms and dads and grammas. Somehow they got there and now they can’t escape.
Is it downtowns or state capitols?
“Makes no sense” is the perfect tagline for the entirety of a second Trump term.
Dumbest executive in history, no surprise at all
Does nobody understand the term “cash grab”? He’d play hell raising taxes on us to get what the tarrifs will get him
Didn’t they just fire a few staff members critical of Trump?
Edit: Apparently they didn’t endorse anyone.
The WSJ is pretty conservative. They probably endorsed Trump too, regardless of the fact that he stated, outright, he was going to do another dumbass trade war.
I think they quit after Lord Amazon didn’t let them endorse Harris.
WaPo !== WSJ
Oh my bad
THEY blatently wielded disinformation to prevent Kamala Harris from having fair-chance,
but … suddenly … they want to be seen as having “integrity”??
They are every-bit as responsible as the WW2 Appeasers, & the Nazis who were “just following orders”,
& G-D can’t unsee what any phenomena in OceanOfAllPhenomena/Universe enacts, no matter what that phenomena’s “identity” is.
The 2-facedness/2-heartedness of such scum…
May their Continuums/Souls have absolute purification, … but not until this entire-world is gone, so that their Souls have to find “home” among some other world, other-than the world they betrayed.
( the alternative, tbh, is for their Continuum-purification to be sooo savage as to succeed in short-timespan, which … would be sadistic.
Purification’s mathematically-inevitable, as the root-guru of the Christians identified: what any Continuum “sows”, that Continuum “reaps”, aka Karma,
but the better way of saying it is that any meaning that a Soul emits, that Soul has no alternative but to reabsorb, until it ceases to have any Soul-ignorance in it.
The greatest monsters, … in future-worlds, … become the greatest saints: action->reaction.
As some True guides have pointed-out, Continuums/Souls are neither inherently-evil nor inherently-good: they’re inherently NEUTRAL!
Which means that the evil committed by an ignorant-Soul, exactly balances the good that that same Soul commits when it has earned purification…
The greater the Soul-ignorance, the greater the future-Soul-gnosis…
There’s nothing “political” in it: it’s just an impersonal-function of reality…
All this means, of course, that there’s no logic in my wishing for karma to be on anyone: that’s inherent, & my intending any such thing just makes my Continuum’s cycle worse…
but honesty’s a good method, & at the moment my wishing for karma to be biting … immediately on the worst narcissist-machiavellian-sociopaths/psychopaths … is honest.
I’d rather this world wasn’t being turned into the social-civil-spiritual equivalent to “Drano”!
: )
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