The Democratic party’s favorability rating has hit a record low, according to a CNN survey released Sunday.
The survey, conducted March 6-9, shows 54 percent of U.S. adults say they have an unfavorable opinion of the Democratic party, while 29 percent say they have a favorable opinion and 16 percent say they have no opinion.
((Proof that capitulating to MAGAites is not doing the democrat party any favors.))
“Oh no! Clearly we’re too far left!”
- DNC, probably.
Let’s move more towards the right! Call up Dick Cheney!!
Too late for that, somebody dig up Kissinger!
Might as well give him a shotgun while we’re at it
Whats fun about this is that AOC’s individual popularity… is not trash.
Same with Crocket. Al Green. others.
I mean people pretty much have always liked individuals over the collective.
The 10 who voted for cloture do not enjoy comparable levels of popularity.
Nor should they
Money buys elections - period. Money buys the news. Money buys influence. Money tells a significant portion of the population what to think. Money keeps people ignorant. Money makes people believe lies.
We need a shake up that includes multi parties and ranked choice voting system. This two party system isn’t working anymore. Now would also be a good time to start a new party with some of these Dems that actually care
It would be nice if Dems had someone who could identify both a cohesive vision AND a path/plan for execution. You know. Actually governing.