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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 13th, 2024


  • Russia has been doing the things people Hate America for, longer than America has existed. the only reason people turn a blind eye to it is because they are used to thinking of Russia as this huge country with all this territory. And not as a Country that wages war all over the corners of the world because they dont have force projection

    there are hundreds of millions of people in the world who feel the same way about Russia as contemporary people feel about America since the end of WW2… Except they exist along Russias borders and not scattered across the planet like Central America, Iraq, Libya and Vietnam.

    Russia murdered, raped, pillaged, and genocided its way into where it is, Russia is a prison of nations.

  • Stop giving this foolishness air.

    Make preparations on the side. But Stop giving it public attention.

    also understand that Canada would never be a state. It would be a generation or two of Forceful and violent assimilation before any region was given “statehood”. For everyone else, it’s poverty, military occupation, and slavery. Which would mean Insurgency and War.

    Any Canadian advocating for this is either terminally online and uneducated, living life off article title opinions. Or they are functionally a traitor/quisling/5th columnist and a threat to their neighbors, and should kept an eye of. And if things really did go “there”. they’d be the ones taken out first by resistance.

  • Unless the British and French are going to Nuke America, Article 5 is useless for Canada being attacked by America. Article 5 was made for Europe and North America vs Russia… NATO fighting against America would basically end up being, US bases in Europe get wiped out, Europe takes cataclysmic casualties trying to fight America, and deal with Russia at the same time

    (who would absolutely move in, and possibly try to align with America. its been a poorly kept secret for a decade that Republicans want Russia to be their ally so they can control a monopoly of the world’s nuclear weapons and point them at China)

    and after all of that, Fascist America would basically be an Island while it rapes Mexico and Canada in a genocidal purge. and probably erupts into a civil war at the same time Because no one is going to be able to cross either ocean to come to their aid.

  • Putins playbook wasn’t exactly that.

    he already had control of Ukraine, the problem was his capos were idiots, pissed off the people. and the people kicked out his capo with torches and pitchforks.

    he then declared all future ukrainian governments illigetimate. and his actions have been based on a vague idea of “It all used to be one country 300 years ago because of imperialism, and the current government is not legitimate”

    That argument doesn’t work with Canada and the US. Yes, the US tried multiple times to take British North America, but failed.

    Effectively, America already does control Canada through influence and assertion. but Canada is still a sovereign country. Smooth brained fascist and imperialist Chuds, just want America to look bigger on a map. they think that if there is ever a war with China, they’ll need Unfettered access to all materials in grasp. (which doesnt make sense based on their tariffs against taiwan, those tariffs imply they’re going to let China take taiwan, therfore no war with China)

    at the end of the day, its dumb chuds who treat world politics and the hundreds of millions of peoples lives affected by it, like its a game. and they’re angry with canada because america has believed for decades that they’re in a culture war, and canadians are the opposition because they’re on average, much more liberal than american liberals.

  • This is just big talk for the cameras. The logistics of such a thing. Are so ridiculous and insane that if it was actually attempted. Canadians would basically become slaves with no rights… The Country would be torn apart by Resource fiends. They wouldnt even know what to do with 40 million people under a different legal system, so that would imply hundreds of thousands of people would end up just getting murdered or dying of neglect as society collapses

    And that would open the door for massive waves of violence. What ISIS, AQ, etc did to America, That would absolutely be on the table.

    This goes for any country. But if a country that’s supposed to have been our friend and ally for generations decides its time for Imperialism, and wipes out their neighbor like that in some putin hairbrained map drawing fantasy… Let me just say that Treachery is the lowest circle of hell. And people would have absolutely zero qualms after having everything taken away from them, in such a betrayal, zero qualms about targetting the civilian population of the aggressor.

    and abandoning the whole somber story of how life would be over for 30-40 million Canadians, let me say that this act would 101%, without a doubt, Cause a US civil war. This is a Red line. And if there isn’t an eruption of mutinies, coups, revolts and violence in the US as it was enacted, Well, in that case, the Nazis already won.

  • 10 years ago, it was a night and day better world state.

    Even Trump 1.0, the worst thing in the world at the time was the ISIS threat. In Trump 2.0, We live in a world with

    • WW3 Basically in its opening stage in Ukraine, Russia is pretty much fucked, but NATO is fucked too now that the US is run by someone who hates it
    • Post Covid destruction of the economy
    • The billionares have turned megalomaniac and wormed their way into government ears
    • The US had an attempted Coup, the person who organized it is now the POTUS. and the people who participated in it are on the streets
    • the gradual increase of uneducated stupidity through social media and MSM TV Brainrot.

    We’ve basically been in a spiral towards armageddon this decade, the 2020s are BRUTAL compared to the mid 2010s.