The US has been ditching its allies a thousand times over. Using this comparison for Ukraine is a stretch
A US backed coup is not “civil disobedience” lol
Gaslighting people into believing that Harris did not promise unconditional support for Israel’s genocide I see.
Usually it is the UK government ganging up on Muslims. First time I am seeing Russia join the party.
The French capital wanted to get rid of the church, thus secularism became the state form.
France has however never adhered to its fake standard of equality. That is a hypocritic ploy which was used in favor of white people only.
There are so many examples of France selectively applying their rules to discriminate against groups they are oppressing that the excuse of “equality” really does not fly. And of course the standard for “equality” is whatever the French government decided. French.
The reason for France’s secularism and specifically their Islamophobia is their colonialist past in North-Africa. This was their way to enfore French culture on their colonies under the guise of “equality”. Of course this equality was never given to their colonies. It was used to take away the rights of the people they oppressed without granting them the same rights as the French colonists.
The French rules are not about religion but an excuse to discriminate against non-whites.
Are you able to write a single comment without half of it painting the person you are disagreeing with as a supporter of Putin?
Read one of your own favorite newspapers articles. They were already praising Ukraine’s minerals. When the war began.
And the open acknowledgment of mineral extortion is not a new Trump plan. It was openly proposed by neocons last year.
The signalling about the minerals was done far before Trump took the reigns.
Ukraine confirmed this week that they refused the early peace deal (which is better than the deal they will get now) because NATO promised to support them to the end.
Neocons can blame this all on the convenient orange sheep, but the Biden administration made no effort to provide with Ukraine with decisive weapons to win the war. Only barely enough for the stalemate to keep going.
Thinking it is bad is fine. The author of the Tweets even agrees with you in the screenshot you posted.
But America is not helping Ukraine. It used Ukraine as a tool. Now that Ukraine is at its lowest point America starts extorting Ukraine.
If this outcome (which many leftists correctly predicted) was known to Ukrainians three years ago, do you think Ukrainians would have been as enthusiastic to fight? So America can put a straw in their ground, and slurp up their minerals to fund Raytheon.
I know a great podcast you would like. It is called CNN.
First order of business after German elections: call the boss for instructions.
Israel killed those toddlers too.
What many do not know is thar Theodor Herzl and even the first Israeli prime ministers were hardcore atheists. Zionism faced much opposition from religious Jews.
How Israel Went From Atheist Zionism to Jewish State
Zionism as a national movement that rebelled against historical Judaism was mainly atheistic. … Due to the sweeping opposition of the rabbis of Germany, Theodor Herzl was forced to transfer the First Zionist Congress from Munich to the Swiss city of Basel.
But beginning with the first stages in the consolidation and settlement of the Zionist movement, it was forced to meticulously sort and thoroughly nationalize some of the religious beliefs in order to turn them into nation-building myths.
What is this
One halted shipment of 2000 pound bombs after Israel flattened Gaza is enough to convince you that Joe “I am a Zionist and you do not have to be a Jew to be a Zionist and I am a Zionist” Biden did not mean it?
Add pressure to who? Israel would kill every single hostage instantly if they could. The “problem” is they cannot. Because they do not know where they are.
My guess is that Biden was blocking bigger weapons, and if he withdrew completely, Israel would use those and kill the hostages
You mean like how Israel was already killing the hostages by decimating every single building in Gaza?
Stop making it about Biden then.
The apt comparison would be the full on Holocaust America is bankrolling in Palestine.