And this is why George W Bush’s administration decided the ICC should have no jurisdiction over the USA during the Invasion of Iraq in 2003. They expected service people to face charges.
And this is why George W Bush’s administration decided the ICC should have no jurisdiction over the USA during the Invasion of Iraq in 2003. They expected service people to face charges.
There’s no legal mechanism to do so and the UK isn’t someone the USA can afford to piss off.
He has to. Miriam Adelson owner of The Las Vegas Sands casinos and The Dallas Mavericks gave him $150 million to do this.
Oh wait no that’s the West Bank she wants to steal. Things are going to get worse.
Go look at the context as he’s saying it makes no sense to negotiate with the guy who tore up the last agreement which Iran was honoring.
Why would Iran enter into negotiations with a country that failed to honor them the last time?
No they aren’t and you should go read some of Robert Paxton’s books on fascism if you think they are.
She’s talking about the population density of fascists. America is first and China is last
I really want an Alpha Flight movie
Ethnic cleansing exists for when you are destroying a culture through means other than mass murder. It is absolutely a thing and it is not the same as genocide. Gaza is a genocide.
Im not sure that’s accurate given how racist many presidents were.
He’ll take them for his friends and family ao they don’t have to buy food
Great so now my food will cost even more?
Wait, are you suggesting that its a bad idea to generalize what a billion plus people living in vastly different places and situations believe? /s
I missed the killing the rich people bit. Much of my family is wealthy. Most of their friends are decent folks who were born or got lucky. I don’t think they should be killed.
Violent revolutions never work out the way participants want them to. The Iranian revolution was supposed to overthrow the Shah not make a theocratic autocracy but that’s what happened. People who think it will work this time need to remember Iran, Cambodia, or many of the more recent revolutionary movements where everything went badly for all.
I wouldn’t suggest .ml or any part of Lemmy as a good source. If you want to learn about Marxism there are better sources though honestly any Intro to Poli Sci book you find at a library would do a decent job of explaining Marxism. If you prefer a video most of MIT’s intro classes are online.
I wouldn’t suggest Lemmy simply because far too often the “Marxist” is someone who seemingly got most of their political education from forum posts and infographics. It’s weird how many Marxists here know little about their ideology and are merely anti-Western.
If that makes sense to you then you have a very flawed understanding of these subjects. I will go so far as to suggest that you know almost nothing about Marx if you think that’s making an informed argument.
CRT is an analytical technique developed for law students to assess the outcomes of historical racism in the laws. Im not sure what risks you think there are for adults who are better educated than most to study this. No one is teaching this to children
Your issue seems to be that you uncritically accept terrible sources. Why listen to what a pundit claims versus a person with demonstrable expertise? It’s a common issue for American conservatives.
Hey some of that was created by oppressed black and LGBT+ folks.
Why would you think I should follow the same steps you did when the results you returned were of such incredibly poor quality? Did you think these things had something to do with Marxism and look for evidence to support that or did you actually believe these sources to begin with? If it is the second one take a minute to learn what Marxism is because you clearly are very confused as to what it means (right-wing US sources are terrible for what is and is not Marxism).
You had nothing to deduce anything from. Hell you haven’t even looked at my post history here.
China lacks most of the freedoms most of the world has.
China has a stock market which is really hard to have if the workers are being paid the full value of their labor. China isn’t the closest any nation has come to socialism in its current state because it has moved into a state capitalist economy with billionaires. How is that socialist? It isn’t. It’s still very authoritarian.
The problem is a HUGE part of our economy and the world economy depends on this spending. Musk and Trump are fucking morons who are actively destroying the US economy and strength.