Which is good, and I say that as an American. The current leadership cannot be trusted. It’s going to be a long time before we can be trusted again. If ever.
Which is good, and I say that as an American. The current leadership cannot be trusted. It’s going to be a long time before we can be trusted again. If ever.
Hates to predict things? This Turd Ball constantly predicts every stupid thing he does is going to be a win, like tariffs making us all super rich.
This is the price of being a politician and being a complete P.O.S. one at that.
They should have stuck with the “they’re weird”. And they definitely shouldn’t have tried courting Republican voters. All that yielded was pushing away Dem voters and Republican voters aren’t going to vote for Dems, they will just not show up for Trump. They shouldn’t have constantly called them a danger and threat because we’ve been saying that for years, and at some point people stop listening. Instead, they should have leaned into the “they’re weird” and the weird things they want to do. Making them sound like an existential threat, even if they are, just sounds like someone yelling the sky is falling, and people ignore it. But we’ve already seen how they can’t handle being mocked. So mock them. Belittle them, make them out to be the buffoons they are.
They did declare themselves that at one of the CPACs, so only seems fair to make it official.