“I feel terrible for the American people because it’s not the American people, and it’s not even elected officials, it’s one person,”
Like hell. Congress is the one thing with the power to end this madness. The Republicans in control of both houses are absolutely responsible as they are doing literally nothing to rein in Trump’s madness.
American here.
Keep doing what you’re doing Canada. Don’t play this retard’s game. The ONLY thing conservatives understand is money. Hit them where it hurts. It’s the only thing that’ll make them sour on this traitor.
American trade is nearly worth half of Canada’s total GDP. something like 75~80% of total Canadian exports go to the US. if they actually retaliate in force they could be dooming their country to an economic crisis if Trump is spiteful enough. so far the Canadian tariffs have only touched about $30B worth of goods, or 7% of the total trade.
Bottom line is Canada can’t rely on an unreliable country that literally threatens them.
It’s time for the world to move away from working with the U.S. We’ve shown we aren’t trustworthy. Canada needs to increase trade to other countries to compensate.
sounds nice in theory but i don’t think people realize just how integrated their economy is to the US
entire industries are completely dependent on US trade. they traded large swathes of their economic autonomy away for easy access to the US market. prosperity was deemed more important than sovereignty
it’s a decision that was decades in the making and it will likely take decades to reverse.
and if we’re being honest it shouldn’t have exactly taken Trump to make Canada realize the US acts in its own interests. Look at NAFTA signed by Bill Clinton. We pressured Canada into accepting a deal that forced them to maintain a certain level of oil export to the US even if there were domestic shortages.
It’s not the type of agreement equal parties or allies come to. It’s a relationship of domination. Always has been
Can you ship moose ribs to Europe? Never had them, but seems like something I’d enjoy.
Yeah the world’s doing its part, but it’d be nice if Americans did theirs.
Other than Bernie Sanders, the rest sure like to bitch a lot, but actions speak louder and they’re not getting out of their couches…
“I feel terrible for the American people because it’s not the American people, and it’s not even elected officials, it’s one person,”
Americans elected Trump, and Americans are failing to do anything to reign Trump in.
These are the official policies for the COUNTRY! So unfortunately, this is not just one person, it is de facto USA as a whole.If it was only Trump, it would just be Trump refusing to buy Canadian for himself. As it is, the whole apparatus is enforcing these decisions, and they impact all of USA.
This. I can’t stand how they blame the system for a choice they chose to make, be it voting for the orange turd, or sitting it out to protest a war halfway across the world, knowing fully well that he’d use that complacency ro return to office. Now the rest of us are dragged into the muck.
Absolutely, Trump was elected in a democratic election.
USA is a (flawed) democracy supposedly with checks and balances.
It’s not like some military general overthrew the democracy out of nowhere.Obviously there are good Americans that oppose this, and tried to prevent it, but they are unfortunately a minority, and as a whole USA as a country is doing this, and letting it happen.
Yeah we’re not playing this back and forth game, just hit the Americans with tariffs and make them stick. Tbh I’m liking this “buy Canadian” movement that Americans have finally awakened
As an American, I hope more countries choose this path. Trump, and a large number of Americans need to understand that “American exceptionalism” only matters to (some) Americans. A community of nations means no one country gets to dictate to all the others. Eventually that isolationism some of my country clamor for will come to feel pretty lonely as fewer and fewer countries put up with our BS.
Trump thinks he can simply order things up like he’s getting a Big Mac, and the courts and other countries are demonstrating to him that the world and the US do not work that way.
Also, I hate how normal this feels. Everyone’s still struggling to pay for food, utilities, and health care, but now the other 49% are making excuses because now it’s their shitty guy in charge of it, and the people who were making excuses while it happened for the last four years are pretending they give a shit.
Eh, the last 4 years were rough, but we were coming out of a pandemic and had one of the best, if not the best recovery in the world. To pin how we responded to covid on Biden is disingenuous. I voted for him because I didn’t want Trump, but outside of his really bad fumble for the recent election (and his support of Isreal genociding Palestinians), he did a rather decent job.
I think if anything the swing of Gen Z voters shows clearly that his economic recovery clearly wasn’t helping everyone. Those with the least amount of money and no job experience entering the work force found a terrible job market that either was barely hiring or was only hiring people who already had experience. Combine that with high prices and the increased presence of AI in the hiring process and it makes sense Gen Z were upset about the status quo. A lot of people argue that it was the podcasts that made Gen z swing right but if anything I think that just connected Gen z with a message of tearing down the system that they were looking for. But anyways my point is that sure America’s recovery was good for people with wealth or companies but for those either entering the workforce for the first time or those without money saved up and good jobs already there really wasn’t much of a recovery.
The major swing in gen z men can be explained by many more of them just not voting. Particularly since the last election democrats cosigned trump propaganda on the border, gaza, etc alienating latinos, muslims, etc destroying the dem coalition.
I don’t think ‘decent’ is the correct adjective here.
Vast swaths of our population have never recovered, which is why Trump was able to expand his coalition to an Obama-era degree. People will point to inflation and job numbers, while ignoring the fact that prices have never gone down and most people are working 2-3 jobs and upwards of 100 hours a week to live in a roach-infested studio apartment because that’s all their hustle can afford them.
And to make matters worse, Biden had Congress for two years. He could have accomplished anything if he cared about the working class and poor, but his governance strongly suggests he was only taking the phone calls of the billionaire class.
We’re gonna get a nice trump recession. All the fuckbrains will have to contend with their stupidity. I just hope I don’t get what they deserve.
I wonder how long it’s gonna take for the Americans to impeach him again
Considering it has no effect or impact, I don’t think they’ll bother. Everyone’s just hoping for a heart attack or a bullet at this point, because the way this government is set up, it apparently can’t do shit to save the country.
Downside is then we get literal retard J.D. Vance. And if someone deals with him Christo-Fascist Mike Johnson is next in line.
Neither of these guys have a cult of personality. I don’t care what their views are, no one on this planet is waking around with a JD VANCE tattoo on their fucking forehead and that matters
Impeachment is dumb af. It has been of no consequence for more than 50 years. We need a different solution, something effective, something we can execute without relying on help from traitors.
They’ve been living with their stupidity their entire lives; this is normal and comfortable for them.
It’s a temporary reprieve for a reason. Canadians would have to have American levels of comprehension of what’s happening to back off now
At this point, they should just leave the tarriffs so they can focus on literally anything else for their constituents than f5’ing news sources to see if they’re on or off…
Honest question - are Canadians generally fine with normal US citizens with no untoward agenda still coming to visit and shop in Canada? I love partaking in the cuisine, a museum, and a library in a relatively nearby border town. Especially the more ethnically-diverse cuisine, because shitty generic Americana fare gets tiresome. Canadian Tire is fun, too, although I do secretly wonder why it’s not Canadian Tyre. Curious to know if US plates on a car in Canada generate a negative response nowadays.
Also, I’m sorry about the reality for which I felt the need to ask this question.
We dislike your president and the shit show he’s caused. If you’re willing to spend your hard earned money here though we’ll welcome you with open arms.
The benefits from the trumpfus economy:
Less commuting traffic! Yey! More restrooms per unit worker! Yey
Thanks trump!
Now that’s how to be optimistic.
Have you noticed less trampling at Costco for eggs? People just don’t have the money for food or gas. So the makes for nicer tramplement…excuse me sir, may I punch you for that last carton? Why certainly!
You tug on the leash too many times and eventually the dog is going to turn on you