It is. Here’s the link to the rules on deeptive pricing in the Code of Federal Regulations.
It is. Here’s the link to the rules on deeptive pricing in the Code of Federal Regulations.
“Originally” just means it used to be that price. at some point, not that it’s still the regular price.
That’s something that might be used on an older model laptop or cell phone.
“Hot Deal” can me something that’s considered valuable even at regular price. The Black Friday products that are produced specifically to be cheap for Black Friday can fall into this category. I worked at a retailer that had $10 blue jeans shipped in just for that sale every year, so $10 was their regular price even though they were a “good value”.
Fun fact, it’s illegal to say something is on sale when it isn’t lower than their normal price, so they’ll use weasel words you can watch out for.
“Compare to”, “originally”, “Hot Deal”, “Special Buy”, “[Insert holiday] special”, etc.
The EU has an official mechanism to combat economic pressure like this that includes suspension of all intellectual property from the country imposing the tarrifs.
Buy them now.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Patel starts quietly adding registered Democrats to NICS (federal background check database). Even worse would be them making Dems get a “delay” response instead of a “deny” or “proceed”.
A delay is supposed to be used when more research is required, and happens for things like having a common name (e.g. “John Smith” or “Jose Sanchez”). When you get a NICS delay, the gun can’t be sold, at that time. You can sell a gun on a delay after 72 hours if it doesn’tcome back as a deny, but most chains have a policy to wait for a proceed. The thing is, lots of times the proceed takes more than 30 days, at which point the background check is invalid. They’re only good for 30 days from the initial request, not the response.
Why is a delay worse than a deny? You can’t appeal a delay or research why it happened. Since you aren’t actually on the prohibited persons list, you can’t be removed from it.
Bets on it being totally ignored by the world if it turns out to be aimed at Africa?
They need to embargo us.
Make the US economy absolute dog shit so the GOP gets nuked in 2026. There’s enough GOP Senate seats in play to remove Trump from office in early 2027.
I work in municipal development and permitting.
Texas has had a HUGE surge in solar panel and backup generator installation over the past 4 years.
But the power companies have taken notice. The biggest part of a lot of power bills now isn’t usage, but fees for being connected to the grid at all. And connection to the grid is required for a Certificate of Occupancy if you’re in a city, and to get insurance or a mortgage even if you’re in the county where permits aren’t required.
You can’t even create a legal lot in Texas without having electrical service to the lot.
When fascists start trying to get stricter on guns, it’s time to buy more of them.
Open Street Maps is a thing. Use it.
It’s also publicly editable and used to generate a bunch of other maps - even for government use. It would be a damned shame if people created burner accounts and started renaming things owned by Trump and Musk…
Don’t retaliate 1:1. Retaliate 5:1.
Burn the fucking bridge already.