It’s very risky for Zelensky because there’s no good faith in any Trump deal. But, Zelensky really is playing it as smart as he can given the unstable governments he’s being forced to work with and against. He can give the moon to Trump in a string of further offers and promises and bank on either America coming to its senses or something reasonable happening in the future at which point he can renegotiate. He just needs to keep surviving and keeping Russia at bay.
It’s very risky for Zelensky because there’s no good faith in any Trump deal. But, Zelensky really is playing it as smart as he can given the unstable governments he’s being forced to work with and against. He can give the moon to Trump in a string of further offers and promises and bank on either America coming to its senses or something reasonable happening in the future at which point he can renegotiate. He just needs to keep surviving and keeping Russia at bay.