Like a solid majority of this community was content with accepting a genocide for the so called liberal candidate lmao
America will become a monarchy before anyone actually revolts.
Like a solid majority of this community was content with accepting a genocide for the so called liberal candidate lmao
America will become a monarchy before anyone actually revolts.
You might want to check what the actual hardware is first. You’ll probably be fine, but client 802.11 hardware can sometimes be underwhelming for hosting because they don’t have good stuff like beefed up MuMIMO.
Although that’s assuming you will have a lot of traffic going through it, so you could always just test throughput and latency with iperf to see how well it functions.
Looks inside
Constitution written exclusively to protect monopoly business interests and prevent a monarchy
seems legit lol
It depends on what it is really + convenience. There are lots of morons out here running basic info sites on full beefy datacenter VMs instead of a proper cloud webhost service.
The most you’d be getting out of cloud is reliability. Self host assumes you don’t have any bottlenecks (easy enough to pass), but also 99% uptime which is impossible unless you are running with site redundancy (also possible, but I doubt how many people own multiple properties with their own distribute or private cloud solution).
if 95% uptime is acceptable, and you don’t live in an area with outage issues from weather, I’d say go for it. Otherwise, you can find some pretty cheap cloud solutions for basic websites. Even a cheapo VPS would probably work just fine.
I have run photoprism straight from mdadm RAID5 on some ye olde SAS drives with only a reduction in the indexing speed (About 30K photos which took ~2 hours to index with GPU tensorflow).
That being said I’m in a similar boat doing an upgrade and I have some warnings that I have found are helpful:
I’m personally going with the NVME scheduled backups to RAID because the caching just doesn’t seem worth it when I’m gonna be slamming huge media files around all day along with running VMs and other crap. For context, the 2TB NVME brand I have is only rated for 1200 TBW. That’s probably more then enough for a file server, but for my homelab server it would just be caching constantly with whatever workload I’m throwing at it. Would still probably last a few years no issues, but SSD pricing has just been awful these past few years.
On a related note, Photoprism needs to upgrade to Tensorflow 2 so I don’t have to compile an antiquated binary for CUDA support.
Alternative title: Shill arab states submit alternate proposal to avoid having to be forced to take care of refugees.
Sisi by himself tells you all you need to know about this plan.
Clown behavior. None of these oil rich states would pay for this either, they don’t even spend money on their own abused foreign imported labor.