What could possibly go wrong when you give the most important job in the world to the most unqualified person ever?
We need to dispense with this notion that Trump is “unqualified.” He is very qualified for the job that he actually set out to do, and has been accomplishing it expertly.
It’s just a different job than the one you think it’s supposed to be.
Trump is overqualified to take us right into bankruptcy. He’s been here so many times! Don’t worry! Just ask for money from stupid people that have money!
Unironically, yes. You wanna know why Trump’s businesses kept going bankrupt? Because they were never meant to be sustainable in the first place. They were scams – probably fronts for Russian money laundering – and designed to have all the money extracted and then implode on purpose before law enforcement could start looking too closely.
And now he’s doing the same thing with the entire goddamn country.
Well . . yeah. He’s a demented rapist.
Who the fuck is just figuring this out?
Risk? Its his goal. Crash the market for his ultra wealthy amigos to buy up everything
Another problem is that down to lower class the americans invest for their retirement.
If he wipes out the people’s lifetime savings, they can’t afford to retire and got to work longer - even if the recession is driving inflation down.
You think that billionaires that are influenced by the likes of Curtis Yarvin care about people saving for retirement?
No, I just thought about how normal people are fucked over. In systems with public pensions, politicians could just cut the pensions, in a property and investment based system, you have to make the “lifetime savings” of the lower 95% just not liveable by greedflation, concentration of wealth and volatile markets that eat up savings - and don’t allow sub-billionaires to hedge.
Hey Wharton School: This is why you shouldn’t sell degrees to rich parents for their spoiled children.
I love it!
Obamacare vs Trumpcession
Yet the Republicans will vote Trump next time around.
Imagine speedrunning your way into the great depression.
For billionaires it’s a “buying opportunity” though.
I prefer the term ‘Trump Slump’ but as long as his name is attached, I’m good.
I believe that’s already a reference to his erectile dysfunction, but I could be wrong.
Every day I wake up and I wonder if he’s a complete moron who’s in capable of doing his job… or is he making people worried about the recession and using these tariffs to manipulate the markets for his own benefit?
The other possibility people have told me about is that he’s doing it to distract us from the real activity behind the scenes, which is to make the rich much richer in the poor, more desperate… 
No distractions, the second answer is not correct, he wants another glided age. The glided age is another term for the second industrial revolution that turned america into the superpower we know today, but It also was an awful era for your average american.They would work 12 hours or more for a whole week, some may have sunday off due to church but a lot did work that day with all your family working. The standard of living was so crap, many would become alcoholics due to the awful conditions, which would lead to prohibition movement. Your average american did not live long, many people would die due to work place accidents but due to no worker protection, nothing would change.
The era was also known for the monopolies, starting with rockfeller standard oil, carnegie steel company and morgans banking with many others. All the major monopolies worked together to prevent competition by buying out, they would ask nicely to sell your company to them, if not they would play the waiting game by lowering the product your selling to be unprofitable and then buy you out. Regulations did not exist yet so, this was all legal and if it wasn’t, no one gave a shit as they were that powerful. The government was no help to them either, as most of them were bathing in the money of the 1%. The 1% lived in amazing conditions, and hoarded a ton of money, with some becoming important philanthropist.
Here is an article of proof of what trump wants, https://apnews.com/article/trump-tariffs-gilded-age-mckinley-grover-cleveland-1592dab80ad7159266db51b5baa774b6.
If you are overall green now… sell.
He is going to make it worse.
I’m sure this would have been just as bad under Kamala.
/s (cannot believe I have to add this, but…)
Then you’re a fucking idiot.